January 2009 Issue
Varsity The Chinese University
of Hong Kong
Life Style Kick the Habit
Meanwhile, hypnotherapy is another
method to help people stop smoking. Dr Rene Lien, director of Hong
Kong Institute of Clinical Hypnosis, explained that hypnotherapy helps
smokers to quit smoking at subconscious level. The therapist will
discuss with clients about their motivation to quit smoking and explain
the process of hypnotherapy before they enter the hypnotic state “And
unlike what you normally see in movies, we no longer use fob watches
to make people concentrate while leading them into a hypnotic state,”
said Dr Lien. “We now find that a comfortable and silent environment
may already help clients enter a hypnotic state.”
According to Dr Lien, positive expressions
are the main “tools” to hypnotise his clients. The clients can get
a message through simple and direct expressions and become both physically
and psychologically relaxed. “If we are asking a person not to smoke,
a smoking scene may appear in his mind at once. This (kind of words)
should be avoided as it might give him the urge to smoke,” he added.
When the client is in a hypnotic state,
the therapist will infuse the benefits of quitting into their mind
to diminish the desire to smoke.
“But for those who do not accept hypnotherapy or who do not have a
strong desire to cease smoking, they still cannot quit smoking at
the end of treatment, especially those who are forced by family or
work to stop smoking,” he added.
更多健康資料 http://www.rene-a.net