President, Hong Kong
Guild of Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists
President, Association for Professional Hypnosis
and Psychotherapy (HK branch)
President, American Council of Hypnotist
Examiners (China division)
Principle, Hong Kong Institute of Clinical
Course Director, School of Hypnotherapy, West
Coast University
Course Director, Master degree of Clinical
Hypnotherapy, Pebble Hills University
Course Director, Master degree of Clinical
Hypnotherapy, York Hills University
Co-Founder, Hong Kong Association of Hypnotherapist
Examiner and Instructor, Essex Institution
of Clinical Hypnosis
Fellow, Association for Professional Hypnosis
and Psychotherapy
(First Chinese being awarded)
Member, American Psychological Association
Accredited member, Hypnotherapy Society
Examiner, American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
(the course curriculum designed by Rene Lien, is the only and
first course and institute approved by ACHE in Asia.)
Certified PLR Specialist, UK Academy
Clinical Hypnotherapist and psychotherapist,
Rene a LKF &
CLL Conslutants Company
Consultant of several organizations, such
as Asia Fitness & Beauty Consultant Center, Diet Asia Nutrition
Consultation Center
Former Member, Data Protection Officers' Club,
Office of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data (PCO)
Book and articles published
Hypnosis -- mine, yours, his other half (first ed., revised
ed. second ed.)
De-code Hypnosis
Hypnosis X File
The inside stories of the hypnotherapist
Know Sex
Hypno real time therapy and the concept of realize, recast,
Articles on newspapers and magazines
Besides meeting clients, conducting hypnotherapy courses and
seminars, Rene Lien also frequently invited by different organizations
and associations as guest speaker, interviewed by Hong Kong
and the overseas newspapers, magazines, broadcasting stations,
television stations and other associations, also a consultant
of movies and TV programs and narrator .